A wonderful approach to lessen your reliance on fossil fuels and minimize your energy costs is to install solar panel systems. However, you must first comprehend how a solar panel system operates before you can install one. This Solar Panel Troubleshooting Guide will help you out so read on!


Solar energy is converted into electricity by solar panels. The photovoltaic effect is the name of this mechanism. In the semiconductor material of a solar panel, sunlight dislodges electrons from atoms. An electric current is subsequently produced when these liberated electrons pass through the panel.


A solar panel system consists of the following components:


  • Solar panels are the equipment that use sunshine to generate power.

  • Inverter: The inverter transforms the solar panels’ direct current (DC) electricity into alternating current (AC), the kind of electricity utilized in buildings like homes and offices.

  • Batteries: Extra electricity produced by the solar panels is stored in batteries so that it can be used at night or when there is little sunlight.

  • Electrical wire: This wiring links the batteries, inverter, and solar panels.

  • Monitoring system: The monitoring system keeps tabs on how well the solar panel system is working and provides information on how much energy is produced, used, and saved.


Generally speaking, solar panel systems are fairly reliable, but there are a few frequent problems that can happen. Some of the most typical problems and their fixes are listed below:

Issue 1: Low Power Generation

Several factors could be to blame if your solar panel system is not producing as much power as it should-

  • Potentially unclean solar panels
  • The solar cells could be covered
  • A defective inverter might exist
  • The batteries can be defective or old
  • The electrical wiring could be in trouble


To resolve this problem, try the following:

  • With a soft cloth and mild soapy water, clean the solar panels
  • Get rid of anything that is obscuring the solar panels
  • Have an experienced technician examined the inverter
  • Test the batteries and replace them if required
  • Have a trained technician examine the electrical wiring

Issue 2: Inverter Problems

An essential part of a solar panel system is the inverter. The inverter’s failure will prevent the solar panels from producing electricity.


If the inverter breaks down, it must be replaced. You should have a technician do this.

Issue 3: Panel Obstructions or Shading

Solar panels require direct sunshine in order to generate electricity. The output of the solar panels will be lowered if they are blocked by nearby trees, structures, or other things.


You might attempt the following solutions to troubleshoot this problem:

  • Get rid of anything that is obscuring the solar panels
  • Move the solar panels to a spot that is not in the shade
  • Install a tracking system so that the solar panels will move on their own to track the sun

Issue 4: Damaged or Dirty Panels

Extreme weather conditions like hail, wind, or other can harm solar panels. Additionally, dust, pollen, or bird droppings can get them dirty.


The solar panels will need to be fixed or replaced if they are damaged. The solar panels can be cleaned with a soft cloth and mild soapy water if they are dirty.

Issue 5: Faulty Wiring Connections

A solar panel system’s functionality may suffer from loose or damaged wire connections.


You might attempt the following solutions to troubleshoot this problem:

  • Check every wiring connection for frayed or loose wires
  • Fix any loose connections
  • Damaged wires should be replaced

Issue 6: Monitoring System Malfunctions

A solar panel system’s monitoring system is a crucial component. It gives information on energy production, consumption, and savings while monitoring system operation.


The monitoring system will need to be fixed or changed if it is not working properly. A trained technician should perform this.


The following DIY troubleshooting techniques can be used if you believe your solar panel system is having issues:

  1. Verify the solar panels for physical damage.
  2. Examine the wiring connections for frayed or loose wires.
  3. Check the panels for shading or obstacles.
  4. Correctly clean the panels.
  5. Keep an eye on the inverter’s operation.
  6. Check the data from the monitoring system.

You should seek the help of a professional solar panel specialist if the DIY troubleshooting techniques are unsuccessful in fixing the problem.


You should seek the help of a professional solar panel specialist if the DIY troubleshooting techniques are unsuccessful in fixing the problem. A skilled specialist can identify the issue and suggest the best course of action.

Situations that Require Professional Assistance

Situations that Call for Expert Advice

  • if the solar panel system’s power output is not what it ought to be
  • if a problem with the inverter
  • whether the batteries have damage or are faulty
  • if there is an issue with the wiring, electrical
  • if the solar cells are dusty or broken
  • if the monitoring system isn’t working properly


It’s critical to choose a reputable, trustworthy organization when selecting a solar panel service provider. Before making a choice, you should also request many quotations from various businesses.


Here are some frequently asked questions about solar panel troubleshooting:

Q: What are the most common problems with solar panel systems?

A: The most common problems with solar panel systems are low power generation, inverter problems, panel obstructions or shading, damaged or dirty panels, and faulty wiring connections.

Q: How do I troubleshoot a solar panel system?

A: If you suspect that there is a problem with your solar panel system, you can try the following DIY troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check for physical damage to the solar panels.
  2. Inspect the wiring connections for loose or damaged wires.
  3. Assess the panels for obstructions or shading.
  4. Clean the panels properly.
  5. Monitor the inverter performance.
  6. Review the monitoring system data.

If you are unable to resolve the issue using the DIY troubleshooting steps, you should contact a qualified solar panel technician for assistance.

Q: How often should I clean my solar panels?

A: The frequency of cleaning your solar panels will depend on the location of your solar panels and the amount of dust and dirt in the air. If you live in an area with a lot of dust and dirt, you may need to clean your panels more often.

Q: How much does it cost to have a solar panel system installed?

A: The cost of installing a solar panel system varies depending on the size of the system, the type of solar panels, and the location of the installation. The average cost of installing a solar panel system is between $10,000 and $20,000.

Q: How long do solar panels last?

A: Solar panels typically last for 25 years or more.

Q: How much money can I save by installing solar panels?

The amount of money you can save by installing solar panels depends on the size of your system, your energy usage, and the cost of electricity in your area. In general, you may expect to save between 40% and 80% on your energy bills by installing solar panels.


In the final section, we’ll highlight the necessity of routine maintenance, summarize the important points from the guide, and invite users to get in touch with Makemysolar if they need any extra help or have any other questions.


By following this through the Solar Panel Troubleshooting Guide by Makemysolar, you’ll have the information and steps required to identify and fix typical problems that might occur with your solar panels. We want you to be able to successfully troubleshoot and maintain your solar panel system so that it operates at peak efficiency and has a long lifespan.


Please feel free to get in touch with the Makemysolar team if you have any questions or need further help. We are here to assist you in utilizing solar energy to its fullest capacity and to ensure that your solar panel experience is easy and effective.

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