best 6.6 solar panel providers in australia
Best 6.6kW solar system with battery in Sydney & Australia

6.6 kW Solar System: Cost, Output & Savings

A Best 6.6 kW Solar System is the one of most requested sizes of solar system by household owners & offered packages by solar companies all across the Sydney and Australia nation. We will explain the reason why a 6.6 kW solar system is the most advertised deal in the solar market. But before that, we will discuss all Best 6.6 kW Solar costs, output, savings & more.

How much does it cost to install a 6.6 kW solar?

Best 6.6 kW Solar System with good quality components that you can rely on at least for a decade can cost between $4500 & $11000 after the rebates Sydney and Australia.

How much will a 6.6 kW solar System save me?

Savings & ROI (Return on Investment) can be related to below mentioned points.

  • How efficiently solar energy is used
  • What sort of Feed-in Tariff do you agree with your energy retailer
  • The climatic condition of the location you live Sydney and Australia.

To know exactly how much you can save, you can call one of the solar experts with your energy bill handy & our team can help you with savings, ROI & value of the system. 

How many solar panels does a 6.6 kW solar have?

The number of panels for a 6.6kW System can vary as per space availability on the roof as many households might have less space to install. As of this time around Sep 2022, the number of panels is being installed as is given below.

How much does a 6.6 kW Solar produce?

A Best 6.6 kW solar with a 5 kW inverter may produce between 20 kWh & 26 kWh depending on where you live, the orientation of the string of panels & pitch of the roof.

Average production in major cities

Adelaide                      27.7kWh

Brisbane                      27.7kWh

Melbourne                  23.8kWh

Perth                           29.0kWh

Sydney                        25.7kWh 

How much space do I need for a Best 6.6 kW solar system?

Each panel has a specific dimension but normally they are in the range between 1635 * 1125 * 35 (mm) & 2000 * 1.214 * 35 (mm). By calculating the area of the roof or shed wherever we want the system to be installed, we can determine how many panels can be stacked up on the top.

At Make My Solar, we will share a design with the layout of the panels you want. It is designed using very advanced software called Near Map.

Is the 6.6 kW solar System right size or choice for you?

Finding out which size of solar is the right choice for you depends on your current consumption & near-future planning as more people are installing EVs (Electric vehicles).

A 6.6 kW System produces between 18kWh & 28kWh depending on the location & orientation of the roof. So, if the average daily usage is between 15kWh to 20kWh, a 6.6kW solar would be a good fit for you. To know more in detail, click on the request to quote.

Why does a 5 kW Inverter go with a 6.6 kW Solar System?

A 5 kW Inverter can manage up to 133% of its power capacity, it is advisable to make the most of it; hence, 6.6 kW panels are fitted with a 5 kW Inverter.

Furthermore, due to the position & orientation of the installed solar panels and the roof’s pitch, there would also be energy loss from the panels to the inverter so 5 kW of panels typically produces for a 5 kW Inverter to be maximum efficient. As a result, it is strongly recommended that more panels be installed for the power of the solar inverter.

What is the payback period for a 6.6 kW solar system?

Usually, the payback period for a 6.6 kW solar system is about 3 to 4 years, making it competitive with many other forms of renewable energy.

Many factors affect the payback period, such as location, the roof’s pitch, the panel’s orientation, system size, energy use, panel efficiency, and of course Consuming habits of the customers.

For instance, if your roof receives a lot of shade, you will require additional panels to produce enough electricity to cover up for the output loss. However, if you live in an area where it gets lots of sunshine, you might require a smaller system to reduce your electricity expenses.

Another essential factor that can affect your payback period is consumption habits during the day. With more usage during the day, more money will be saved, then of course fewer years for Return on Investment

Another crucial aspect that can affect a solar system’s payback period is panel efficiency. Panel efficiency refers to how effective a solar panel is at converting sunlight into electricity. Generally speaking, higher panel efficiencies result in shorter payback periods for solar systems because they produce more electricity than lower-efficiency systems. 

What is the cost of a 6.6 kW Solar with Fronius Inverter & SolarEdge Inverter?

Solar Panels are a cost-effective and excellent method of generating power, But before you invest in one with one of the most oversized known and most highly efficient inverters, such as Fronius Inverter or SolarEdge Inverter, you must know how much a Best 6.6 kW Solar System with Inverter would cost you.

The cost of a Best 6.6kW Solar System with Fronius Inverter & SolarEdge Inverter can range somewhere between $6,000 and $10,000

Find our packages with Fronius Primo Inverter below.

Best 6.6kW solar system with battery in Sydney & Australia

16 Jinko Tiger Pro 415 Watts (One of the Best Value Solar Panels)  at $5800

18 Sunpower Performance Series 370 Watts (Premium – Most efficient & most reliable brand)  at $7900

Typically, Fronius inverters and Solar Edge are more expensive than the other regular string inverters on account of having several features that set them apart from the rest.

Find our packages with SolarEdge HD Wave Inverter below.

Best 6.6kW solar system with battery in Sydney & Australia

16 Jinko Tiger Pro 415 Watts (One of the Best Value Solar Panels)  at $7200

18 Sunpower Performance Series 370 Watts (Premium – Most efficient & most reliable brand)  at $9500

The reason for SolarEdge being dearer than Fronius is the Module Level Power Electronics where it offers the visibility of each panel’s performance. Each optimizer is installed under each panel to optimize the efficiency of the inverter & downgrading of one panel’s performance does not affect others.

What is the cost of Best 6.6 kW Solar System with battery?

Getting batteries for your Best 6.6 kW solar system is advised if you reside in an area with regular power shortages or if your energy consumption is more at night.

A Best 6.6 kW solar system with a 5kW inverter and a 5 kWh battery costs between $11000 and $18000, depending on the brand of the inverter and battery.

Solar Panels & Inverter Brand MakeMySolar Works With

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